Project #2 Form Generator

Design Process & Reflection

For this week’s assignment, I made an ice cream bar that users can change its color and location by pressinga keyboard or a mouse. The very first thing that I did was drawing a pink ice cream bar with Adobe Illustrator.

Once I decided the figure and size of the ice cream bar, I divided the figure into several specific shapes that can be transferred to p5.js 2D Primitives functions. At first, I thought I have to use function arc() and rect() to make the ice cream bar figure but later I found that I could set values for the angle of each corner of rectangle in p5.js so I got to reduce a lot of lines of codes at the end.

I haven’t realized that an ice cream bar can be drawn by using only two rectangles, including the shades inside. Besides that, I added some sprinkles on the ice cream bar by setting x, y values as random variables so that it seemed that the sprinkles are moving around the ice cream bar.